Sunday, November 18, 2007

Annoying trojan - Autoregistry.exe

I've had similar annoyances before, and I just had enough of it. There were few other trojans/annoyances that spreads in similar way -- by exploiting Windows "Autoplay" feature. I'll say, this Autoregistry.exe is not as elusive as its other cousins.

How it infects the system
When you insert an infected media (which is often a USB drive or something similar)...
  • Runs when autoplay is executed -- almost always when you double click the drive's icon
  • Writes to the system registry -- so that it starts automatically every time Windows starts
  • Drops the executable file (autoregistry.exe) in Windows folder.

How it infects another removable media
  • Drops the file autorun.inf -- this file is used by Windows when performing an autorun
  • Drops the file autoregistry.exe -- the executable file (the little bugger)
These files attributes are set as hidden(H) and system(S). Which also means that you can't easily delete them, unless their attributes are removed.

Simplest line of defence
These practices can easily keep your system safe from the little bugger
  • Disable the Autoplay feature
  • Don't double click a media, use right click instead, then Explore..., an infected media will have Auto in the context menu as its default action, click this and.. well your system will be infected.
  • Install and always update your anti-virus - may not be as effective as the first two, especially when they're not updated

Removing from removable media/USB drives
Removal requires some understanding of the system and some command line skills.
1. Terminate running autoregistry.exe process
  • Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to bring up the Task Manager
  • Go to the Processes tab and sort the list of processes by Image Name
  • Look for autoregistry.exe (if it's not listed, it means that it's not running, just proceed to (2))
  • Select the process autoregistry.exe, right click on it, the choose End Process Tree -- this terminates the little bugger and any processes that it had spawned.
2. Delete the autorun configuration file and executable file
  • Click Start, then Run...
  • Type cmd, the click OK
    • this starts the command prompt
  • From Windows explorer, identify the drive letter of the removable drive, let's say the removable drive is F:, then, at the command prompt, type F:
    • this sets the current drive to the removable drive (in this sample it's F:)
  • Type attrib -s -h autorun.inf
    • this removes the (S)ystem and (H)idden attribute of the file
  • Type del autorun.inf
    • this deletes the autorun.inf file
  • Type attrib -s -h autoregistry.exe
    • this removes the (S)ystem and (H)idden attribute of the file
  • Type del autoregistry.exe
    • this deletes the autoregistry.exe file
  • Type exit
    • this closes the command prompt
  • Proceed to removal of the infection from the System/PC
Removing from System/PC
Removal requires some understanding of the system and some command line skills.
1. Terminate running autoregistry.exe process
  • Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to bring up the Task Manager
  • Go to the Processes tab and sort the list of processes by Image Name
  • Look for autoregistry.exe (if it's not listed, it means that it's not running, just proceed to (2))
  • Select the process autoregistry.exe, right click on it, the choose End Process Tree -- this terminates the little bugger and any processes that it had spawned.
2. Delete the executable file
  • Click Start, then Run...
  • Type cmd, then click OK
    • this starts the command prompt
  • Type cd\, then press Enter
    • this takes you to the root of the drive (in this case it should be C:\>)
  • Type cd Windows, then press Enter
    • this takes you to the Windows folder
  • Type attrib -s -h autoregistry.exe , then press Enter
    • this removes the (S)ystem and (H)idden attributes of the file
  • Type del autoregistry.exe , then press Enter
    • this deletes the file autoregistry.exe
3. Remove references of the file in Sytem Registry
  • Click Start, then Run...
  • Type regedit, then click OK
    • this starts the Registry Editor
  • From the menu, select Edit, then Find...
  • Type autoregistry.exe in the Find What text area, then click Find Next
    • this searches for the occurrences of the name autoregistry in the registry
  • Once found, delete the value by pressing the Del key on your keyboard
  • Press F3 to repeat the search for the next occurrence of the the value in the registry
    • Keep on searching for the value and deleting the found values until the search has reached the end of the registry
4. Confirming successful removal
  • Detach any removable media
    • Be careful, these removable media may have been infected! You clear them first of the infection.
  • Restart the computer

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